With Jake Sweeney Alfa Romeo, you can schedule spring Alfa Romeo service and order high-quality parts all from the comfort of your home. That’s because we believe in making the servicing process as smooth and easy as possible, so you can focus on the next great seasonal adventure. Learn top tips for preparing your vehicle for spring at our dealership today.

Inspect the Battery

We rely on our vehicle batteries for a range of essential tasks, from starting the car to running safety programs that protect us on every drive. Car batteries can be susceptible to capacity loss in cold weather — up to 50% in temperatures below freezing. By getting your battery inspected at the start of spring, you help to guarantee long journeys without the fear of power loss.

Windshield Wiper Inspection

In the winter weather, our windshield wipers have to work extra hard to provide visibility and safety, and that means they can wear down quickly. Come spring, you’ll want to get them inspected for tread depth, so you know they can clear the windshield against April showers. Visibility keeps your vehicle safe on every ride, and new windshield wipers provide that visibility.

Service Your Tires

You may have swapped your tires out for winter, in which case, it’s time to switch back. If you kept your all-season tires through the chilly months, you want to make sure they weren’t damaged on winter roads or experiencing pressure loss from lower temperatures. Bring your vehicle in for tire service, and drive more efficiently, comfortably, and reliably through the spring.

Schedule Alfa Romeo Spring Service in Florence, KY

Regular car service can keep your vehicle safe, efficient, and responsive, and it extends the life of your car for many more spring drives. At Jake Sweeney Alfa Romeo, we’ll provide that high-quality care, and answer your questions along the way. Schedule a spring service appointment at our dealership to get started!